
Travel, Grants & Awards

Younger Chemists Conference Travel Grants

The Division of Analytical Chemistry provides travel awards for Younger Chemists (under age 35) to travel to a meeting to present the results of their research, either orally or in the form of a poster. Eligible meetings include: National or Regional ACS meetings, Eastern Analytical Symposium, SciX, and other meetings of analytical nature.

Award Amount: Award recipients will be reimbursed for registration, travel, and accommodation expenses (up to $1000) after the meeting. The reimbursement process will be outlined in the award notification. Awards are subject to availability of funds.


Applicants must be younger than the age of 35 and hold a Bachelor’s degree in their field. Awardees must be members of the Division of Analytical Chemistry at the time of the award. An individual is eligible to receive travel award funds only if that person actually presents an abstract (poster or oral) at the requested meeting. If the awardee does not present an abstract at the meeting (e.g., failure to submit an abstract, nonselection of the abstract, personal decision to change travel plans), then no division travel award funds will be provided.

Applications Due: Applications will be considered twice a year, due May 1 and November 1