
Diversity and Inclusion

ACS CIBA/ YCC Young Scientist Travel Award

The ACS Younger Chemists Committee (YCC) and the CIBA Foundation are proud to offer the CIBA Young Scientist Travel Award. This award provides funding for young and early career chemists to travel to and participate in an ACS national or regional meeting. Through this travel award, the YCC and the CIBA Foundation continue to support development of younger chemists in the chemical sciences.

Award amount: Each $500.00 travel award will be made on the basis of scientific merit and financial need.


  • Under the age of forty (40) years of age at the time of application
  • In a postdoctoral position OR within the first seven (7) years of a professional career.
  • Current ACS member

Applications due:
November 15 (to attend meetings occurring between January 1 and June 30)
May 15 (to attend meetings occurring between July 1 and December 31)