Lab Life

Six Essential Moves to Make Before You Leave Grad School

Lab Life

Six Essential Moves to Make Before You Leave Grad School

Before you say goodbye, there are some important things to wrap up that could easily slip your mind and cause some headaches later. Here's how to avoid some frustrating pitfalls.

PhD or MS: Am I on the Right Track?

Lab Life

PhD or MS: Am I on the Right Track?

At some point, your degree program may no longer align with your goals. If you're questioning your path, this article will help you evaluate options.

Top Five Reasons ACS Student Communities Grant Applications Get Rejected

Lab Life

Top Five Reasons ACS Student Communities Grant Applications Get Rejected

Dozens of grant applications for ACS student groups are rejected each year. Here are the most common mistakes and how to avoid them.

How to Recruit and Retain GSO Members

Lab Life

How to Recruit and Retain GSO Members

How do you draw members in, keep energy high, and build momentum to continuously grow your ACS Graduate Student Organization? Here are some strategies.

Dealing with Difficult Advisors

Lab Life

Dealing with Difficult Advisors

Sometimes establishing and maintaining a good relationship with your research advisor is challenging. Having similar research interests does not guarantee harmony. Use these tips to manage conflicts and improve your relationship.

Lab Safety Teams Are Shaping the Future

Lab Life

Lab Safety Teams Are Shaping the Future

For many academic labs, safety standards lag behind those of the modern workplace. But a grassroots movement led by grad students is causing a major shift to address deep challenges in academic safety culture while enabling students to take charge of their own safety.

A Strategy for Writing a Standout Research Proposal

Lab Life

A Strategy for Writing a Standout Research Proposal

From solidifying ideas to writing and editing, the process of writing a research proposal can be made less difficult if you start with a plan.

Game Plan for Writing a Thesis

Lab Life

Game Plan for Writing a Thesis

The biggest favor you can do your future self is to make a plan for writing or finishing your thesis now. This realistic, step-by-step plan will keep you on schedule and spare you from a lot of stress.

Teaching Chemistry During COVID-19 Through the Eyes of a First-Time Faculty Member

Lab Life

Teaching Chemistry During COVID-19 Through the Eyes of a First-Time Faculty Member

The pandemic changed the way this first-time faculty member saw teaching, her students, and her own career. Read on to learn more about her unexpected conclusions.

Celebrating the Identities of Graduate Students in the Chemical Sciences

Lab Life

Celebrating the Identities of Graduate Students in the Chemical Sciences

Happy Graduate Student Appreciation Week! We're celebrating the unqiue lives and interests of graduate students from around the globe with this special video collection.

Improving the Academic Safety Culture: The Place of Lab Safety Teams

Lab Life

Improving the Academic Safety Culture: The Place of Lab Safety Teams

If you feel unprepared for the lab safety aspects of your work, or if you think that the lab safety culture in your lab or department could be improved, a Lab Safety Team can empower you and your peers to make meaningful improvements that benefit everyone.

The Benzine: A Graduate Student–Led Zine Celebrating Art and Chemistry

Lab Life

The Benzine: A Graduate Student–Led Zine Celebrating Art and Chemistry

We are proud of how The Benzine has highlighted the broadness of our community, and we hope our work will inspire you to indulge in your own creativity or, even better, produce your own zine celebrating art, science, and diversity in your community.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Students, Staff, and Faculty Fight Racism and Perfunctory Campus Change

Lab Life

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Students, Staff, and Faculty Fight Racism and Perfunctory Campus Change

Despite academia’s commitment to truth¬—Veritas, as Harvard would say—racism lives within our hallowed halls. Sometimes we can see it as we pass it by. Sometimes it opens doors. Sometimes we encounter it and struggle to pass. Sometimes—and most insidiously—it is structural, stretching above our heads, holding up the roof and walls, something we could see if only we ever cared to look up.

How to Choose the Right Lab: Advice from Someone Who Didn’t

Lab Life

How to Choose the Right Lab: Advice from Someone Who Didn’t

Few things will have more impact on your happiness and success than joining the right lab. Read on for strategies to help you find a good fit.

(Re)Defining Moment: Should You View Graduate School as a Race, Marathon, or Something Completely Different?

Lab Life

(Re)Defining Moment: Should You View Graduate School as a Race, Marathon, or Something Completely Different?

Have you ever wondered whether the assumption that earning a Ph.D. is like running a marathon could be stopping you in your tracks? A runner examines the analogy, with surprising results.

Meet Four Ph.D. Students Who Passed Their Candidacy Exams in Quarantine

Lab Life

Meet Four Ph.D. Students Who Passed Their Candidacy Exams in Quarantine

The candidacy exam experience in quarantine was close to normal, but the pandemic also made it unique. Read about four Ph.D. students who passed.

Grad Students Weigh In on Returning to Lab After Quarantine

Lab Life

Grad Students Weigh In on Returning to Lab After Quarantine

See what chemistry graduate students from four universities think are the keys to a safe return to the lab and research during a pandemic.

The Chemistry of Culture: Studying in a Foreign Country

Lab Life

The Chemistry of Culture: Studying in a Foreign Country

Chemistry is universal around the globe but you may not be prepared for how different the culture surrounding chemistry could be. Read about some of the challenges you may encounter while studying in a foreign country and how you can overcome them.

Hindsight Is 2020: What I Wish I Knew Before Starting My Ph.D

Lab Life

Hindsight Is 2020: What I Wish I Knew Before Starting My Ph.D

A Ph.D. chemist reflects on her time in graduate school. She uses her personal experiences to give advice to current and future graduate students.

Sexual Harassment: What Would You Do?

Lab Life

Sexual Harassment: What Would You Do?

Dive into a delicate, yet relevant topic, sexual harassment, in which a lot of female students encounter. Learn resources for you or anyone who needs help.

Confronting Sexual Harassment in Chemistry

Lab Life

Confronting Sexual Harassment in Chemistry

Sexual harassment can take a toll on a person’s physical health and even derail a chemist’s career. There are many different justifiable reasons why students are hesitant to report these issues and how often they are placed in these situations.

How to Break Down Cultural and Language Barriers in the Lab (adapted from C&EN)

Lab Life

How to Break Down Cultural and Language Barriers in the Lab (adapted from C&EN)

Although research groups today are more diverse, cultural separation still exists especially with language.

When You Need a Mentor

Lab Life

When You Need a Mentor

Who is a mentor? What do they do? Learn about how to find a mentor, and what to expect from a mentor-mentee relationship.

My Experience as a T.A.: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Lab Life

My Experience as a T.A.: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Get first-hand scenarios and tips on how to not only survive in the role as a TA, but also grow from the experience.

Thank You for Being a Horrible TA: Pointers from an Undergraduate Chemistry Major

Lab Life

Thank You for Being a Horrible TA: Pointers from an Undergraduate Chemistry Major

Learn about several types of bad TA's and advice on how not to fall into these categories.