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Professional Development
ACS Congressional and Science Policy Fellowship Programs
Professional Development
ACS Science Coaches
Professional Development
Hispanic Association of Colleges & Universities National Internship Program (HACU)
Professional Development
ACS Career Pathways Workshops
Professional Development
AAAS Mass Media Science & Engineering Fellowship
Professional Development
GEM Fellowship Program
Professional Development
ACS Student Communities Starter Grant
Professional Development
ACS Congressional Fellowship
Professional Development
CAS Future Leaders
Professional Development
Bridge Project - ACS Career Kick-Starter
Professional Development
USNC/IUPAC Young Observer
Professional Development
ACS Science Policy Fellowship
International Experiences
The Branco Weiss Fellowship
International Experiences
SERP+ Master
International Experiences
Young Scientists Summer Program
International Experiences
Belgian American Educational Foundation (BAEF) Study and Research Fellowship
International Experiences
AAUW International Fellowships
International Experiences
Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg (HWK) Fellowships
International Experiences
Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers
International Experiences
TWAS-CSIR Postgraduate Fellowship Programme
International Experiences
Science Corps
International Experiences
Newton International Fellowships
International Experiences
The Chateaubriand Fellowship Program
International Experiences
Franz Effenberger Postdoctoral Fellowship
International Experiences
RSE/STFC Enterprise Fellowships
International Experiences
The OWSD - Elsevier Foundation Awards for Early Career Women Scientists in the Developing World
International Experiences
EIPOD4 Fellowship Programme
International Experiences
IUSSTF Research Internships in Science and Engineering (RISE)
International Experiences
SciTech DiploHub Fellowship Program
International Experiences
Pathways to Science Scholarships and Fellowships
International Experiences
Agency for Science, Technology, and Research (A*STAR) International Fellowship
International Experiences
European Commission Chemistry Jobs
International Experiences
NWO Talent Programme
International Experiences
Human Frontier Science Program (HSFP) Postdoctoral Cross-Disciplinary Fellowship
International Experiences
Postdoctoral Scholars
President Harry S. Truman Fellowship in National Security Science and Engineering
Postdoctoral Scholars
CRI Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship
Postdoctoral Scholars
California Council on Science & Technology: Science & Technology Policy Fellows
Postdoctoral Scholars
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Postdoctoral Program
Postdoctoral Scholars
ORISE Intelligence Community Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program
Postdoctoral Scholars
Gulf Research Program Science Policy Fellowship
Postdoctoral Scholars
Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowships
Postdoctoral Scholars
Arnold O. Beckman Postdoctoral Fellowship
Diversity and Inclusion
ACS Investment Into Industrial Internships for Chemists (I4C) Program
Diversity and Inclusion
Contribute Your Story to 500 Queer Scientists
Diversity and Inclusion
Stanley C. Israel Regional Award for Advancing Diversity in the Chemical Sciences
Diversity and Inclusion
Schlumberger Foundation Faculty for the Future Fellowship Program
Diversity and Inclusion
ACS Chemists with Disabilities (CWD) Travel Award
Diversity and Inclusion
American Association of University Women: American Fellowships
Diversity and Inclusion
Women Chemists Committee (WCC) Rising Star Award
Diversity and Inclusion
Merck Research Award
Diversity and Inclusion
Bridge Project - ACS Career Kick-Starter Workshop
Travel, Grants & Awards
Ramsay Trust Memorial Fellowship
Travel, Grants & Awards
Ciba Travel Awards in Green Chemistry
Travel, Grants & Awards
AGRO Ambassadors Travel Support for Attendance at Meetings Outside the United States and Canada
Travel, Grants & Awards
ACS Bridge Project Travel and Professional Development Award
Travel, Grants & Awards
Global Innovation Imperatives (Gii)
Travel, Grants & Awards
ACS BIOL Travel Awards
Travel, Grants & Awards
ACS ENVR Graduate Service Fellowships
Travel, Grants & Awards
Younger Chemists Conference Travel Grants
Travel, Grants & Awards
Kenneth G. Hancock Memorial Award
Travel, Grants & Awards
Heh-Won Chang, PhD Fellowship in Green Chemistry
Travel, Grants & Awards
Nina McClelland Memorial Award
Travel, Grants & Awards
Nobel Laureate Signature Award for Graduate Education in Chemistry
Travel, Grants & Awards
Pfizer Emergent Leader Award
Travel, Grants & Awards
ACS Chemistry Festival Grant
Travel, Grants & Awards
AGRO Journeyers Travel Support for International Student and Early-Career Scientists to Attend an ACS National Meeting
Travel, Grants & Awards
ACS Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Scholars Recognition Program
Travel, Grants & Awards
AAAS Early Career Award for Public Engagement with Science
Travel, Grants & Awards
Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy (Pittcon) Travel Grant
Travel, Grants & Awards
ACS GCI Pharmaceutical Roundtable Research Grant
Travel, Grants & Awards
ACS ORGN: Graduate Student Awards for Travel To ACS National Meetings
Travel, Grants & Awards
ACS Global Innovation Grant
Travel, Grants & Awards
ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety (CHAS) Graduate Student Safety Leadership Award
Travel, Grants & Awards
Joseph Breen Memorial Fellowship
Travel, Grants & Awards
ACS INOR: Student Travel Awards To Attend ACS National Meetings
Academic Research
National Research Council Research Associateship Programs
Academic Research
U.S. Department of Education Graduate Student Research Awards
Academic Research
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education Individual Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (STEMEdIPRF)
Academic Research
Sigma Xi Grants in Aid of Research
Academic Research
Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowships
Academic Research
ORISE Graduate Internships and Fellowships
Academic Research
ACS Award for Creative Invention, Sponsored by ACS Corporation Associates
Academic Research
National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program
Academic Research
ACS ENVR Graduate Student Awards
Academic Research
Sloan Research Fellowships
Academic Research
DoD SMART Scholarship Program
Travel, Grants & Awards
Department of Defense: National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship
Professional Development
ACS Principal Investigator Development in Sustainability Grant
Travel, Grants & Awards
ACS Early Career Postdoctoral-Faculty Bridge Grant
Professional Development
ACS-Hach Second Career Teacher Scholarship
International Experiences
A*STAR International Fellowship (AIF)
Travel, Grants & Awards
Eli Lilly Travel Award
Travel, Grants & Awards
ACS Agricultural and Food Chemistry Division Young Scientist Award
Diversity and Inclusion
ACS CIBA/ YCC Young Scientist Travel Award
Travel, Grants & Awards
ACS COMP OpenEye Cadence Molecular Sciences Outstanding Junior Faculty Award Program
Travel, Grants & Awards
ACS Cell Division Fellow Award
Editor's Picks

Lab Life
Six Essential Moves to Make Before You Leave Grad School
Before you say goodbye, there are some important things to wrap up that could easily slip your mind and cause some headaches later. Here's how to avoid some frustrating pitfalls.

Career Advice
Using Storytelling to Give a Better Research Talk
The most groundbreaking research can seem tedious when presented this way, but storytelling is a powerful way to avoid falling into the dull data trap.

Beyond Ramen: Eating Well on a Budget
Too tired to cook an elaborate meal? Too broke for takeaway? Here are some easy ways to stretch your food budget and have healthy, tasty meals in a flash.
New ACS Strategic Plan!
The ACS Board of Directors has approved a new Strategic Plan for 2025–2029. The plan captures the dynamic nature of the Society and is built on the previous plan to ensure continuity. It focuses on supporting ACS’ global community, including members and all of those engaged with the organization; supporting sciences broadly, with chemistry at the cornerstone; and DEIR principles, which are embedded throughout the plan, strengthening ACS’ efforts through action.
ACS Spring 2025
Share your research, network, and collaborate with scientists from around the world March 23 – 27, 2025, in San Diego, CA & Virtual.