
Postdoctoral Scholars

ORISE Intelligence Community Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program

The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education Intelligence Community Postdoctocal Program offers scientists and engineers from a wide variety of disciplines unique opportunities to conduct research relevant to the Intelligence Community. The research is conducted by the Postdocs, in partnership with a Research Advisor while also collaborating with an advisor from the Intelligence Community.


  • Annual stipends (which include funds for health insurance) depending on research location
  • Annual travel budget
  • Host institutions (College, University, or U.S. Government Laboratory) receive an annual laboratory budget
  • Research Advisors receive an annual stipend and an annual travel budget

Where: University, college, or U.S. government laboratories in the United States.

Length: Postdoc appointments are for 24 months. The Program has the discretion to fund a third year, if outlined in the original proposal and approved by ODNI.


  • U.S. citizenship required
  • PhD. received within 5 years of the application deadline

Applications due: See website