
Academic Research

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education Individual Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (STEMEdIPRF)

The Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education Individual Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (STEMEdIPRF) program funds individual and institutional postdoctoral awards designed to enhance the research knowledge, skills, and practices of recent doctoral graduates in STEM, STEM Education, Education, and related disciplines, with a goal of advancing their preparation to engage in fundamental and applied research in STEM education that advances knowledge within the field. The program offers two tracks: (I) Individual Postdoctoral Fellowships and (II) Institutional Cohort Postdoctoral Fellowships.

Award Amount: Pending availability of funds, NSF anticipates approximately $2,500,000 will be available for the competition. Duration: Up to 24 full-time-equivalent months of support may be requested.

Budget: The annual fellowship amount of $85,000 in both Year 1 and Year 2 consists of two types of direct costs:

  • A $70,000 salary in each year; and
  • Up to $15,000 in each year to cover expenses directly related to the conduct of the proposed research and professional development goals, including but not limited to, materials and supplies, equipment, computing resources, access to databases, domestic and international travel, publication charges, and subscription fees.

Within the fellowship period, one month per year of fellowship duration may be used for paid leave, including parental or family leave. The paid leave cannot be used to increase the level of NSF support beyond the duration of the fellowship. NSF enables career-life balance through a variety of mechanisms.

When: Varies

Eligibility: NSF STEM Education Postdoctoral Research Fellowships proposals may be submitted by individuals (Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship); or by single institutions or a collaboration of institutions (Institutional Cohort Postdoctoral Fellowship). Please visit the website for more details. 

Applications Due:  December 3, 2024