
Diversity and Inclusion

Bridge Project - ACS Career Kick-Starter

This is a three-day career development workshop for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups. It consists of interactive learning modules, stimulation discussions from a diverse panel of professionals, one-on-one career consultations with a career adviser, and opportunities for creating meaningful professional connections.

Participants will:

  1. Understand how skills, values, and opportunities intersect to create a satisfying career path
  2. Identify their own personal values and skills
  3. Apply strategies for career exploration in different job sectors (Academia, Industry, Government, and Non-Profit/Entrepreneurship/Other)
  4. Develop goals to reach their desired career objective
  5. Learn how to conduct a successful job search

Where: Online

Length: TBD

Eligibility: Offered to graduate students and postdoctoral scholars from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups (African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Native Americans). Other underrepresented groups in the chemical sciences are welcome to participate.

Applications Due: See website.